Higashimatsushima Yamoto

215 Yachi, Komatsu, Higashimatsushima, Miyagi 981-0504, Japan


Higashimatsushima Yamoto


客室数Number of rooms/407  CHECK IN/15:00~24:00  CHECK OUT/10:00

シングルルームSingle Room 11.8m² 337 rooms ベッドサイズBed Size:110cm×195cm
【RISE社製マットレス使用】ビジネスシングルルームBusiness Single Room 11.8m² ベッドサイズBed Size:110cm×195cm(W×D) [RISE]
セミダブルルームSemi Double Room 11.8m² 22 rooms ベッドサイズBed Size:120cm×195cm(W×D) [Simmons]
【RISE社製マットレス使用】ツインルームTwin Room 23.6m² 41 rooms ベッドサイズBed Size:110㎝×2 [RISE]
【RISE社製マットレス使用】トリプルルームTriple Room 23.6m² 7 rooms ベッドサイズBed Size:110cmWBed×3 [RISE]
アクセシブルルームAccessible Room 17m² ベッドサイズBed Size:110cm×195cm

Hotel services and amenities


In addition to breakfast of the day that is made with warm consideration of balanced diet, we offer rich variety of dinner.
DINNER18:00~21:00(not free) ※ Reservations required,until the day before A number is limited. Please purchase a ticket beforehand.


【by train】1.5km from Yamoto Station on the JR Senseki Line, 19 minutes on foot, 5 minutes by car
【by car】1 minute by car from Yamoto IC on the Sanriku Expressway
【Parking Lot】*for 236 cars are available on the hotel premises. Please contact the front desk for details.